playground equipment tracker

Labyrinth Panel

Age Range: 2 to 5
Use Zone: 0'7" x 4'6"
Fall Height:
Child Capacity: 2-4
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The Labyrinth Panel is a fun and easy way to bring math and counting to your outdoor environment. Children will engage in cognitive development and utilize problem solving skills as they turn the panel to navigate a marble throughout the maze. Expose children to math concepts and counting at an early age to inspire the interest of both boys and girls in numbers and math. Create a hedge maze adjacent to the Labyrinth to connect activities with nature.

Panel is designed for children ages 2 to 5, and your community will rest easy knowing you've contributed to environmental conservation efforts since it is constructed from recycled metal and plastic. It meets the public playground safety standards mandated by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC).

Additional Info

Additional Info

Child Capacity 2-4
Use Zone 0'7" x 4'6"
ADA Accessible No
Age Range 2 to 5


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